Bloodsports.TV Wiki

Gladiators are the characters you control to dish out pain and death to the hapless outlaws trying to stop their villages from experiencing the joys of nuclear annihilation.

There are four main classes available:

  • Slayers focus on dealing raw damage to single, high priority targets.
  • Bruiserss are tanks, designed to deny an area to the enemy and draw fire away from more vulnerable allies.
  • Regulators are built for crowd control: Engaging and routing large numbers of weaker enemies.
  • Medikus, as the name suggest, are medics with strong healing abilities that keep the other gladiators alive and kicking.

Breakdown[ | ]

Class Character Focus Abilities
Buttonslayer Slayer
The Damage Dealer
Borg MH4 "Anders" Raw damage output and DPS.
Abi helping hand Abi counterstrike Abi onslaught Abi blood bath
Gunvald the Mad Debuffing and increasing damage through skills and effects.
Abi deathmark Abi bloodlust Abi true horror Abi vicious waltz
Buttonbruiser Bruiser
The Tank
Lil' Erik Mass taunting and raw survival.
Abi upper cutter slam Abi unstable mutation Abi amok Abi big bash
Hardy Klanning Debuffing and taunting enemies.
Abi thunder stomp Abi testudo Abi power charge Abi mortal strike
Buttonregulator Regulator
The Crowd Controller
Kati Sagan Taunting and debuffing enemies.
Abi stun grenade Abi lockdownAbi teleport Abi viral shred
"Buzzer" Ingholm Area of effect damage to large number of enemies.
Abi concussion shot Abi booby trap Abi acid rain Abi hyper discharge
Buttonmedic Medikus
The Healer
Luna Stormare Healing through killing enemies.
Abi helping hand Abi overdose Abi missing in action Abi adamantine field
Lisbeth Healing and buffing allies.
Abi life siphon Abi hux flux Abi nimble fighter Abi demender rocket

Gallery[ | ]

The following gallery shows the gladiators and their available skins:
